Investing in renewable electricity for a more sustainable future.

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*Electricity is one form of energy we use to brew. 

At Anheuser-Busch, we dream big in everything we do and are always challenging ourselves to take our environmental stewardship one step further.
In 2018, we committed to sourcing 100% of our purchased electricity from renewable sources by 2025 to ensure our 100+ facilities nationwide are helping to power a greener future.
In June 2021, we were proud to announce that we have achieved this ambitious goal - four years early - and our entire portfolio of domestic products – including Budweiser, Bud Light, Michelob ULTRA, and our Brewers Collective family of craft partners – is now brewed with 100% renewable electricity* from solar and wind power.
To achieve this goal, we established key partnerships with renewable energy leaders such as Enel Green Power and Recurrent Energy as well as numerous local and regional partners. These partnerships have enabled Anheuser-Busch to add nearly 400MW of renewable electricity capacity to the grid – the equivalent electricity usage of more U.S households than the city of St. Louis, MO.
In 2017, we partnered with Enel Green Power to acquire 50 percent of our total purchased electricity from the Budweiser Wind Farm at Thunder Ranch in Oklahoma. The Budweiser Wind Farm at Thunder Ranch, near Billings, Oklahoma, was Anheuser-Busch's first-ever contracted utility-scale renewable energy project. It not only dramatically reduces our emissions and helped us reach our sustainability goals, but it also provided revenue certainty for Enel, fostering the growth of the global clean energy economy and supporting American clean energy workers and jobs.

By the numbers:

  • Anheuser-Busch has contracted enough power from the Thunder Ranch windfarm to power 50,000 U.S. households or brew more than 20 billion 12 oz. servings of beer each year.
  • The agreement is expected to reduce emissions by more than 400,000 tons of CO2 each year, an annual equivalent to taking more than 85,000 U.S. vehicles off the road.
  • The project supported renewable energy sector employment by creating around 400 temporary jobs at the peak of construction, as well as many long-term jobs.

In 2019, we also announced plans to purchase the renewable electricity credits from the energy delivered to the grid from a new solar energy facility in Pecos County, Texas. The Anheuser-Busch Solar Farm - our  1,750 acre solar energy facility - is the largest solar project for the beverage industry in the United States. The facility was developed in partnership with Recurrent Energy and officially came online in June 2021 - enabling us to officially achieve our goal of sourcing 100% of our purchased electricity from renewable sources.

By the numbers:

  • The solar field is equivalent in size to nearly 1,500 football fields:  almost 800,000 panels spread across eight square kilometers. If lined up from end to end, the panels would span from New York City to Orlando.
  • The facility is capable of generating 650 GWhrs annually with a capacity of 222MW(ac) – that is enough electricity to power 55,000 American households or brew 20 billion 12 oz. servings of beer each year.
  • Construction took nearly two years and created approximately 500 full-time jobs during peak of construction.

From seed to sip, Anheuser-Busch is committed to leaving our communities better than we found them. Here’s to creating a future with more cheers, for all.