Press Releases

October 3, 2013

New York Jets

New York Jets

New York Jets (superstition ranking: 7/32 teams – top 10)

  • Jets fans are most likely to try to curse or jinx the opposing team (37%).
  • Jets fans rank second in the league (46%) for believing their superstitious activities affect the outcome of the game. Only Baltimore Ravens fans are truer believers.
  • Don't ask me to move. Jets fans are most likely to sit in the same spot when they watch the game to boost team performance (41%).
  • Jets fans rank fourth in the NFL for being publicly mocked (10%) or having a relationship end (4%) due to their game-day superstitions.
  • Jets fans rank fourth in the league (18%) for touching, kissing, rubbing or holding some kind of team memorabilia for the win.
  • Some quality me time: Jets fans rank second in the league for engaging in superstitious activities alone (27%).
  • Jets fans rank third in the league for believing that not doing their game-day superstitions has resulted in a Jets loss (30%) or missing a winning field goal (25%).

Jets Fan Superstitions:

  •  “If they win, I will cook the same food the next week.” Male, Age 21-29
  •  “Without a doubt, if I am sitting or standing or doing anything in my house, I will stay in that spot if something good happens.” – Male, Age 40-49
  • “I wear my jersey backwards.” – Female, Age 30-39
  • “My friends and I always wear our lucky jerseys.  Just before the game starts we all open our bottles at the same time and clink them together.” – Female, Age 21-29

Return to Bud Light NFL Fans Superstition Survey and team links.

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